Stop Worrying About Facebook Reactions

Do you waste time thinking, talking and posting about emoji reactions or non reactions you’ve gotten on your Facebook posts? Here’s why it’s not personal, and you shouldn’t bother.

  1. Everyone is tending to their own stuff/ego on the platform, not yours. Very few will actually engage more than a few second with your content. It’s even obvious in how the notifications are worded. “20 people reacted to your post.” It’s all about YOU seeing YOU and them seeing them, see?
  2. Timing is strange and surreal on the app. You might be engaging NOW, but the people you hoped would see your content are simply not there. They could be in one of their “screw this platform, i’m checking out of Facebook” phases. They could be busily updating a new business page that they just created. They could be haggling at a garage sale, or flying to France, at the very moment you post.
  3. People could be in altered mind states when they view your content. They could be half-asleep, tripping on psychotropics, drunk, recovering from anasthesia… who knows!
  4. They might have seen notifications about what you posted, but they were busy when those popped up. Now the notifications are gone, and so is their attention span.
  5. They could be busy staring at baby squirrels, trying to change their password and getting really mad about it, lost on a local page, or… who knows! Whatever they’re doing, they probaby didn’t see you.
  6. They could be anti-liking at this current time. I for one cannot stand likes. They’re just a meaningless form of engagement that wastes everyone’s time. You could post something on facebook that your friend hit the like button on, assume they read, explored and digested that content, only to bring it up later and get flatline responses because they don’t even remember doing it.
  7. The users who add emoji reactions to your posts may not even be real. We just don’t know. If you post something serious but you get a HAHA, there’s a very good possibilty that person is a bot profile, or somehow gets paid to stoke engagement here and they’re just mindlessly giving out reactions.
  8. The feed may not be showing you to the people you’d expect want to hear what you’re up to. We don’t really know how the algorithm works. Also, it’s probably changing all the time. What if your best friend didn’t see your post because her feed is dominated by some woman whose pop-up shop she once purchased from, or her child’s school, or who knows??
  9. There ARE actually people who run around being toxic on social media on purpose. I saw a guy demonstrating this on video. I don’t remember if anyone pays him to do it or why he does it because I got bored in the middle of the video and stopped watching.
  10. It’s possible that anything you try to “sell” on here is being hidden from others’ feeds.
  11. If a person isn’t looking at, following or paying attention to your Facebook updates it could have absolutely nothing to do with you.
  12. I’m pretty sure that fake, non-relevant engagement happens when you PAY to bump a post. That’s the most times I’ve seen people frowny or laughy facing my stuff that isn’t mean to be either. So I stopped paying, BUT I can see where the boost you get from fake engagement could put your posts in front of real people. Who knows, though.

So the point here that I’m trying to make is… DON’T WASTE another ounce of your mental energy feeling bad about, calling people out, or otherwise fretting over who does or does not look, react or comment on what you post here.

Find out all the SEARCH ENGINE tricks for making bank on Facebook, and if that doesn’t work, just find something else to take up all your head space. It’s not worth it… what happens there isn’t real.

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